Best Time to Tan Outside (Safe and Effective Tanning Guide)

Are you someone who loves to tan? Let’s be honest, almost every woman feels like a bronzed goddess during the summertime period. In this guide, I have shared some tips about the best time to tan safely.

However, you have to know the right way & best time to tan. If you want to get the best possible tan on your body then you should know about the what is the best time to tan.

The truth is that getting a tan is never a smart idea because it’s a sign of UV exposure, which can cause premature aging and even skin cancer.

You will have to take a close look at your skin’s complexion, paleness & previous history to understand what is good for you.

Also Read=> Tanning Bed Rash – How to Prevent and Easily Get Rid of it

For some people, even a modest amount of sunlight might have a negative impact.

Did you know that 90% of aging changes happen to our faces due to sun exposure? This is why you have to protect your skin, and only tan gradually.

If you have made up your mind to get the tan and you really want to do it then do it the right way.

What Is the Best Time To Tan Safely? Top 8 Tips To Follow

Best time to tan

You can not just go anytime to get the best golden tan on your body, you should know about the best time to tan if you want to get the perfect desired shade.

Below I have shared 8 tips about the best time to tan and how to safely tan. These all tips are from my personal experience, so just take these tips as a piece of advice only.

1. Look at the clock & watch the time

If you want to get a tan as quickly as possible, you should go outside when the sun’s rays are out, but not at their full potential. Although this tends to change depending on your geographical location, here are some general rules to follow.

You should tan between 10 am to 12 pm, and from 4 pm to 6 pm if you want a gradual tan, as well as if you have sensitive skin

Women who have darker skin complexions and those who can’t burn as easily can tan from 12 pm to 4 pm, but with modifications & gradually

Wear SPF at all times (but go for one with a bronzing effect if you want glowy skin)

Apply sunscreen again at least every two hours, and more frequently if you are sweating profusely or spending time in the water

2. How your chosen tan time can make a difference

Although it might sound silly, time is the most important & crucial factor that you should look into. The weather changes dramatically at different times of the day.

There are optimal tanning times, but there are also times when sunbathing could be harmful to your skin and health. There is a higher danger of overexposure and skin injury during the 12-4 time frame.

Premature aging of the skin and sunburn can result from prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. This is why going little by little is the key in this case.

3. Slow & steady tanning wins the race

Although everyone’s response to the sun varies slightly, the following general rules apply:

  • If you must get a tan in the sun, don’t spend more than 20 or 30 minutes in one session.
  • Your tanning sessions should only be extended by 5 to 10 minutes at a time, and you should pay close attention to your skin to make sure it doesn’t begin to burn or get red.
  • As your tan develops, you can gradually lengthen your sessions.
  • Continue to gradually extend the time, no more than a minute or two at a time.
  • Don’t tan during the hottest period (from 12-2 PM).
  • Be patient as this is the only way to enjoy a healthy complexion

4. What to know about the UV intensity when tanning

The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays are stronger in the morning than in the afternoon. You should know about the best UV for tanning to tan safely.

Around midday, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., UV levels are at their peak.

In their haste to achieve a tanned appearance, many reckless sunbathers choose these peak hours.

Sunlight is gentler in the winter, but during the months of May through August, when the sun is at its closest to Earth, it is powerful and may leave you regretting your decision.

Light becomes more concentrated and less scattered at higher altitudes, meaning that even sunbathing on top of a mountain might seem like a bad call.

5. How warm should it be for you to tan – what is the ideal temperature?

In a nutshell, a beautiful tan can be achieved in temperatures as low as 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit), while its optimal rate is around 25 degrees Celsius (77 degrees Fahrenheit).

Anything above 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit) can be quite damaging and too warm to the skin.

In fact, if it’s too hot, you probably shouldn’t go tanning.

Fortunately, the temperature of the planet is irrelevant to getting a nice tan.

The fact that you can still obtain a tan or burn even on a gloomy day provides the finest analogy for this phenomenon.

Clouds may block the sun’s beams, but their thickness will determine how much sunlight makes its way through.

However, many individuals end up harming their skin or receiving major burns because they fail to recognize the sun’s strength even when it is not particularly hot.

6. The right intake of food & water will help you tan

All seasons are vital for hydration, but summer is particularly crucial.

You should aim for 2-3 liters of water a day if you want your tan to sink in nicely.

In addition to hydrating the body, drinking water can help treat sunburn, avoid heat headaches, and give skin a naturally healthy and beautiful glow.

Your skin has certain dietary requirements, and a poor diet may manifest itself all throughout your skin.

According to some nutritionists, “Because you are what you eat, the foods you choose to include in your diet may nourish and protect your skin.

This is why fatty foods & junk foods should be avoided (who wants that severe amount of grease?) Antioxidant-rich nutrients are especially important because they protect the skin from damage caused by excess free radicals, which can accumulate when exposed to environmental conditions such as excessive sunlight.

Some nutrients found in tomatoes, pink grapefruit, avocado & nuts can protect the skin against UV damage by aiding in the defense of cells against oxidative stress.

 7. Vitamins & watermelons also matter

Did you know that watermelons can have a huge impact on your glow? Scientific studies suggest that internal supplementation with a variety of vitamins may increase melanin production.

Such examples are Vitamins A, C, and E. Blueberries and other antioxidant-rich foods can also help protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays.

In the days preceding your beach vacation, make sure you eat either tomatoes or watermelon every day.

Lycopene, an antioxidant found in both, protects skin from sun damage by soaking up harmful UVA and UVB rays.

It takes time, and eating these foods isn’t meant to replace other sun protection measures, but it can provide some additional safety. With the right nutrition, your skin is going to sink in all of that caramel sunshine-kissed color!

8. Who shouldn’t tan

Certain people’s skin can be particularly vulnerable to the sun’s rays.

This means that not everyone is the right candidate when it comes to achieving that healthy & shiny glow.

Several variables affect how long someone can spend in the sun before being burnt, including:

  • Skin cancer risk rises during childhood and adolescence when people are exposed to the sun
  • Sunburn is more likely to affect people with fair skin
  • Even if a person has a natural tan, this won’t offer enough sun protection to be regarded as secure (this applies to fake tan as well), as there is no SPF on top
  • You should know if skin cancer runs in the family and do your investigation
  • You shouldn’t tan if your skin is too sensitive
  • If you have undergone cosmetic operations like skin peels or laser hair removal
  • If you use retinoids on your skin, chemical exfoliants like salicylic acid in your skincare routine

FAQ About Tanning

1. Do you need direct sunlight to tan?

Even if you’re just chilling and laying under an umbrella, the ground might still bounce UV radiation onto your skin. It’s still possible to achieve a tan while staying in the shade; just take your time and apply sunscreen. For some people, this is a practical way, which is not as harmful either.

2. Do you tan faster by the pool?

Did you know that water acts as a mirror? Its goal is to reflect the sun’s rays back onto your body. As a result, you’ll be subjected to more direct sunlight if you float on the surface of the water. This means that you should be cautious when by the pool, in the pool, or in the ocean.

You should also know about Best Tan Through Swimwear if you are planning to tan on the beach or pool.

3. What to do after tanning?

Dry, flaky patches on the skin are a common side effect of sunbathing.

After tanning, it is vital that you moisturize your skin. Aim for a fragrance-free, gentle lotion or moisturizer all over.

4. Do you know what determines your skin shade?

The amount of tanning each person might expect from sun exposure varies. Not everyone’s skin type or thickness is the same, meaning that it is a unique experience for every person.

This is largely due to melanin, a chemical found in hair and skin that causes you to tan.

Those with lighter skin are more susceptible to sunburn and other forms of skin damage because their melanin levels are lower.

Those with darker skin have more melanin, therefore they will darken even more as they tan.

If you don’t meet and you don’t check any of these boxes, we got good news for you – it is time to tan!

Wrapping Up – The Best time to tan

Are you ready for your new picture-perfect tan? Ready to show off your skin and your bronzed goddess complexion? If so, simply apply all of these top 8 steps, and thank us later! Your skin is going to love it.

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